
Deaths In Custody: Explore The Data

This living data set currently lists details about deaths in custody across Canada.


Our Methodology

Due to ongoing systemic issues with a lack of access, transparency, and consistency in reporting data on deaths in custody across Canada, tracking this issue is a challenging process. Due to the limits of what is known and available, we can only state that our database is a bare minimum of the total number of deaths in custody over the past 24 years.

Our methodology is a work in progress. Due to the limits of what is possible with relying on inconsistent government sources, media accounts, and sources which may be biased towards institutional objectives, we aim to be as transparent about our process as possible.

Explore The Data

Use the filters to search and customize the data. Use the download button to explore your data selection in spreadsheet format. Please note that when downloading any Excel or CVS files that victims names will be included.
